Sunday School
Parent Handbook

Sunday School is once a week, therefore the parent must bridge the gap from Sunday to Sunday by ensuring the child is reviewing the materials, reciting Quran, and completing any assignments. In case of any absences, the parent is expected to contact the teacher to find out any missed assignments.


  • All students are expected to dress modestly. No one is expected to come in shorts and female students are encouraged to wear a hijab.
  • Cell phone use during class is a distraction. All children will be asked to turn their cell phones off.
  • Classrooms are a shared space; EVERYONE MUST treat Masjid property with care (any damage will be reported to parents for compensation).
  • All students must come prepared, bring your course books, notebook and a pen pencil for taking notes etc.
  • Respect your fellow students and keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  • Respect the teachers, volunteer and all masjid rules.
  • All students are responsible for their work and assignments as assigned by the teachers, Students are encouraged to participate and work together with the teachers and classmates to create a fun learning environment for everyone.
  • Showing poor behavior such as being disruptive in class, disrespect to people, vandalism and defiance will result in disciplinary action.

Drop-Off and Morning Assembly

  • All Students must arrive promptly by 9:45 am (there will be no supervision before this time so please do not drop your children off early)
  • Assembly will be held in the main Hall once you enter.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to stay for the assembly until the kids are dismissed to their appropriate classes.
  • Late-arriving students should be escorted to their classroom by a parent or adult guardian.
  • If your child is sick please keep them home. Reach out to their teachers for any assignments they missed for the week.


  • Dismissal is at 1:00 pm sharp that is to allow time for wudu for Duhur prayer, it is very important that you stay and pray Duhr, Duhur prayer starts at 1:15,  please help your child make wudu and supervise them in the masjid.
  • Parent or guardian must come to the second floor to pick up children – we will not release any children to younger siblings without prior notification from parent.
  • A late pick-up fee of $10 will be charged after 1:10 pm and increase to $1/per minute after 1:15 pm.
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